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Information in English
Баланс Cтрахование

Maritime Risks
Transportation, cargo
Insurance of valuables during transportation, cargo
Insured Vessels List
(495) 780 - 50 - 05 телефон для справок
info@balance-ins.ru e-mail для писем

Insurance of valuables during transportation

Insurance objects

  • Russian and foreign currency in cash;
  • traveler’s, personal and clearing house checks, certificates of shares, bonds and coupons, promissory notes, bills of exchange and certificates, other documents that assign the rights of ownership and other property rights, etc.;
  • any valuables in the process of transportation that belong either to the bank or its customers – individuals and legal entities – if the bank is responsible for their integrity.

Insurance risks

  • Loss resulting from damage or destruction of valuables, theft, robbery, assault, other unlawful actions of third parties, non-deliveries and short-deliveries;
  • damage caused to valuables in the course of their transportation by order of the credit institution by a bank employee or any person appointed byt the bank as its courier, or the employees of a cash collection company in armored vehicles;
  • damage caused by illegal actions of cash-in-transit guards in the process of valuables under transportation.

Additional information Insurance conditions

  • The period of insurance shall be the period of transporting valuables by the owning banks-owners or specialized cash collection companies.
  • The liability of "Balance Insurance" JSC starts from the moment of acceptance of against the carrier’s signature at the departure point, continuing throughout the transportation period (including loading, unloading, reloading and transshipment, as well as storage in transit) and terminates at the moment of the valuables transfer against signature to the recipient at the destination.

Баланс Cтрахование

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